Day 1

So far, day 1 of my 30 days of accountability challenge has been going well. I woke up, gave thanks, and said something nice about myself. Today I focused on the fact that I’m funny and have a great sense of humor. This is one of the things I like the most about myself. So far, my eating is right on track with what I meal prepped. For breakfast I had low fat vanilla yogurt with pineapples & granola. I had a snack which was a Special K Moments bar, the salted caramel one. It’s only 70 calories so it’s a tasty little treat and not too bad for you. For lunch I’m having brown rice & salsa and a chicken fajita with green, yellow, & red peppers, and a little shredded cheese, on a whole wheat tortilla. During my hour long lunch break, I plan to eat first, then spend 30 minutes walking around downtown for my exercise today. Not the most invigorating form of exercise, but the point was to get moving for at least 30 minutes a day. Now I will say this will be my one and only set back today because my alarm was set for 4:45am so that I could be at the gym at 5:30 this morning but…I just couldn’t get myself out of the bed! I bought a new foam mattress topper thing and it is EVERYTHING! Seriously, I sleep like a baby. My mattress is good and firm, but I need a little softness and support because my back was killing me and since I’ve been sleeping on it, I’ve noticed my back has been hurting a lot less the last few days. Ok, that was off topic but anyway! I also have to work at my part time job tonight so..a brisk walk downtown during my lunch break will have to be the extent of it today. Luckily at my part time, there’s lots of walking and lifting of heavy boxes so..I think that should count toward my exercise as well. I’m honestly not too disappointed because at least I’ll be moving, which is better than the alternative. I will make more of an effort to get up early in the morning to workout. 

I plan on taking my dinner with me to work tonight so I can eat it while I’m there because I won’t be getting off until 9:30pm which means I won’t get home until around 10. I’ll be having a grilled chicken salad with baby spinach and a mix of lettuces, salad toppers, peppers, feta cheese, and an avocado ranch dressing (2 tbs is 130 cals and it’s really yummy). Once I get home I plan on getting straight to bed! I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but it seems like day 1 is shaping up to be a sucess!


30 Days of Accountability

There are things in life that I can’t control. I can’t control whether or not a job will hire me, no matter how qualified I am or how well I perform during an interview. I can’t control the weather messing up my hair or other people’s opinions about various topics. But what I can control is my happiness. My destiny. My health. 2014 has not been going at all the way I thought it would be. I have spent so much time focusing on things that I just can’t change, and neglecting the ones that I can, such as my health and this weight loss journey. I have come up with my own challenge for the month of April. One that is just for me, not one that someone else created that is going to help them succeed. This one is for me, by me, and only I can make it happen. I’m calling it 30 Days of Accountability. 

It’s officially Spring, and I’m ready to wash away all the feelings of hurt, shame, and inadequacy that I have been experiencing the last few months and start over with a clean slate and a new perspective. I may not have the job of my dreams. I may not be making the most money. But even if I lose all of that tomorrow, one thing will remain and that’s me and my health. My life has felt so incredibly out of my control lately, so I need to focus on the things that I do have control over like what I put in my body and whether or not I’m working out. I just want to feel like I’m accomplishing something in my life, because as of late, I haven’t felt like I’ve really accomplished anything. During these 30 days I will basically be focusing on 3 basic points: food, physical activity, and mental health.

30 Days of Accountability:

  • Meal Prep!
  • Stick to meal prepped food/snacks ONLY. No additional snacking throughout the day, no treats at work, & no eating past 9:00pm.
  • (At least) 30 Minutes of exercise 5 days a week! Whether it’s at the gym or at home..I have to get moving for 30 minutes. 
  • Wake up and give thanks. Say something nice about myself (has to be a different thing each day).
  • Go to bed and reflect on one positive thing from the day. Must be in bed by 10:30pm during the week.
  • Write a blog post every day to track progress & measure accountability.

These may all seem like simple things to you..but for me, being accountable for my weight loss has been harder than I could have ever imagined. With so much going on in my life..I have made excuse after excuse not to take better care of me. But it’s affecting me in more ways then I know..and I have to get on track. I want this more than anything…and I literally feel I’m at a point where I’m ready to fight for my life..fight to be the happy person I used to be. Day 1 starts tomorrow.