Feeling Defeated Much?

ImageSo yeah the past couple of weeks have been…well. I’ve just completely fallen off my workout wagon/clean eating wagon. That picture explains it all. Between my birthday, monthly lady issues, the past two weeks have been non stop snacking. Which has always been my biggest issue. The meals I’ve ate have actually been pretty well balanced, clean for the most part (except for the delicious burger I had for my birthday that was beef and had BACON and it was soooooo good. I mean it was my birthday hello!)

But the snacking….chocolate, cake, cookies, ice cream, everything I’ve given up and literally haven’t really consumed much in forever have all come crashing into my mouth as of late. And I’m regretting it. Not only do I feel icky but I’m literally seeing the consequences written all over my face in the form of an acne breakout. I’ve never had a problem with acne, an occasional pimple here or there. But recently they’ve been popping up like crazy. I’ve gone through a whole tube of zit zapper (E.L.F. cosmetics which is amazing because it really works, but a whole tube?!) in about two weeks. Which is insane. I’ve got to get a grip.

I honestly don’t know what my deal is. I just haven’t been feeling it lately. I honestly don’t know how some people stay so motivated. I know I need to do this and I know I want to do this. But…I’m not sure why it’s not enough for me to actually GET UP and do it…ugh. This feeling of defeat has to be temporary. I don’t want to be defeated and I don’t want to be a quitter anymore. I want to win.


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